Windrush Weather

Yet more warm sunshine on Saturday

The wall to wall sunshine from our resident anticyclone continued on Saturday that saw the thermometer rise to 17.7C being 7.2C above the 38-year average. The breeze strengthened during the morning and veered into the east. The UV level rose higher again to a value of 3.6, which is in the middle of ‘Moderate’ strength band.

The last night was not so cold with a minimum of 4.2C, so no air or ground frost.

Sunday saw the red sun slowly rose above the easier horizon promising another sunny and dry day, which wd be the eleventh consecutive dry day.

The equivalent loss of rainfall through evaporation from ground sources and plant life amounted to 2.72mm. The monthly evaporation now amounts to 35mm when the rainfall is just 42.8mm.

The ground temperature at a depth of 5mm has been hovering around 5C at the daily readings at 08.00. With much colder weather imminent next week, too soon to put much in the garden in the way of flowers and vegetables. The forecast is a drop of up to 10C in the maximum temperature, with wind chills and possible ground frost after Wednesday.