The worst of ex-hurricane Gonzalo passed Marlborough by.
There was no precipitation during daylight hours today with just 2.1mm over the past twenty-four hours.
A maximum wind gust of 38mph occurred at 1346. There were frequent gusts for several hours in excess of 30mph.
Just before 1400 the temperature began to fall from a maximum of 12.8C to 11C as the wind continued to veer from a southwesterly direction to a cooler northwesterly.
The wind strength over this period gave a wind chill of 9C.
Barometric pressure started to rise rapidly from a low of 1001mb just before 0700 as the centre of the depression began to move away. At 1800 the reading was 1015mb.
With no showery activity there was a total of 4.83 hours of direct sunshine, the highest total for 11 days.