Winter bites!

A maximum of only 3.3C on Wednesday, which was 4.7C below average and a minimum overnight of -3.6C being 5.9C below average was due to the run of very cold air from the north to northwest air stream. Fortunately there was little wind strength during the past twenty-four hours, a maximum gust of just 10mph was logged, therefore there was minimal windchill.

The minimum was reached at 00.49 early on Thursday morning and recovered a degree or two during the following hours as cloud and fog formed, the latter limiting visibility to around 300m at 08.00 on Thursday. It was the coldest night since 28th November, just, when the thermometer fell to-3.7C.

Wednesday was dry, only the ninth this month, with the rainfall total standing at 109.1mm, which is 17.3mm above the 36-year average. We have now experienced four successive Decembers when the monthly rainfall exceed 100m (average is 91.8mm).
