Windrush Weather

Wind strengthened again as a cold front passed over the area

Saturday was dry and breezy also mild again with a peak 9.4C (+1.6C).

In the early hours of Sunday a cold front arrived and brought 10.1mm of rainfall making it the wettest day since 25th December. Between 07.00 and 08.15, as the cold front eased away to the east, the wind was very strong gusting to a peak of 37mph, which was the strongest gust since 27th November.

After 08.15 on Sunday brightness was observed to the west as the hang back of cloud from the weather front eased away to the east. The wind also began to calm down.

The barometric pressure has been falling for the past twenty-four hours, rapidly in the past few hours, with a reading of 1005.5mb at 08.00, the lowest pressure for a month.