Windrush Weather

Wettest day for a month – but very little

Throughout Saturday there were occasional light rain flecks in the air but not measurable. However, just before 17.00 a longer, light shower, amounting to 1.3mm, arrived making it the wettest day since 3rd May when 1.9mm was logged.

It was a cold day with the wind gusting to 22mph from the west that limited the warmth to around 12C for much of the day but started to ease upwards late afternoon to reach a maximum of 14.4C at 18.15. This coincided with the wind dropping out as the barometric pressure began to rise due to the deep depression in the southern North Sea easing away.

It was another very cool night with the thermometer falling steadily away to a minimum of 5.1C at 05.33, being 5C below average for June, interestingly exactly as on the previous night.

Sunday arrived with hazy sunshine but little wind and feeling much warmer than the two previous days, allowing the thermometer to rise to 10.3C at 08.00.