Windrush Weather

Welcome rain for my very dry garden!

There were a couple of light showers in the early evening of Tuesday but the heavier rainfall occurred just before 23.15 and again just after 03.30 on Wednesday producing a total of 7.9mm. This brought the monthly total to 15.3mm, which is still 43mm below the 37-year average. This is offset by the equivalent loss of rainfall through evaporation from ground sources and plant life of 58mm.

The wind during Tuesday traversed almost the full range of the compass starting in the southeast it rotated clockwise ending back in the north east on Wednesday.

Thankfully there was no air frost during the last night as after a maximum of 14.9C on Tuesday (+0.6C) the thermometer dropped no lower than 4.8C (+0.7C) overnight thanks to the cloud and rain from the depression crossing the area.

The depression on Wednesday is currently over northern France, rotating anti-clockwise, thus the wind is currently coming again from the cold north east. The barometric pressure at 08.00 read 1005.4mb, which is the lowest pressure since 13th March.