Warmth returns on south westerlies

Saturday brought us 6.3 hours of sunshine that combined with mild southwesterly winds raised the temperature to a peak of 11.6C being 1.1C above average. The UV level rose to a peak of 3.9, which was at the high end of ‘Moderate’ and the strongest UV since 22nd September.

There was a very light shower just after 05.30 on Sunday morning that brought the monthly total to 36.6mm. This total is 24mm below the 37-year average and with no rain in the forecast for the remainder of the month it is likely to be the driest March since 2015.

The past night has been very mild, the thermometer not dropping below,8.0C, which was 5.5C above the 37-year average.

Sunday arrived with thick cloud obscuring any chance of seeing the sun. The mild south-southwesterly wind is continuing as the result of the old high pressure now centred over Spain and a depression to the northwest of the UK.
