Windrush Weather

Warmest night in nine months

The southerly air mass brought on very light winds, combined with 11 hours of strong sunshine, produced a maximum of 22.9C, which was 2.8C above the average. The UV level rose to 8.5 at midday which was ‘Very High”. The strongest movement of wind, cannot be called a gust, was 11mph and died away completely overnight.

A very mild night followed with a minimum of 13.5C, the warmest night since 26th September and 3.5C above average.

Tuesday saw strong sunshine after dawn that by 08.00 had lifted the thermometer to 18.2C making it the warmest at this time of day since July 26th. Not surprisingly the ground temperature at. depth of5cm was 20.6C, not seen since 24th July.