Windrush Weather

Warmest day this month on Saturday

The tropical air from well down in the Atlantic, brought on a brisk southwesterly wind gusting to 23mph, boosted the thermometer to 14.8C on Saturday. This was the warmest day since 30th October and a significant 4.6C above the 39-year average. Not surprisingly, with the continuing cloud cover and southwesterly breeze, it has been a mild night with a minimum of 10.2C at 02.08 Sunday morning. This low was 6.3C above the average and the warmest night since 1st November.

The minimal rain after 08.00 on tardy amounted to 0.6mm. The month rainfall total now stands at 110.2mm being 19mm above the 39-year average.

Sunday revealed a clear sky after dawn but not long after that variable cloud arrived from the southwest with drizzle at 08.00.