Windrush Weather

Warmest day this month on Monday

The breeze on Monday, which was much lighter than of late with a peak gust if 21mph early in the day, and 6 hours of sunshine meant the maximum of 13.1C was 2.6C above he 37-year average and the warmest day since 24th February. The UV level at its peak reached a reading of 2.6 being at the top end of “low” but the highest strength since 28th September. It has also been a dry twenty-four hours.

A mild night followed with cloud cover limiting warmth escaping into the atmosphere with a minimum of 4.4C at 01.17 on Tuesday morning. This low was 2C above the one-term average.

Tuesday at dawn was gloomy with misty conditions. However, shortly after 08.00 some brightness was observed and the thermometer had recovered to 8.6C, the second warmest start to a day this month.