Windrush Weather

Warmer in evening than by day on Friday

Friday was another in the sequence of cloudy, mild, damp days. The thermometer lifted to around 9C for most of the day but during the evening rose to a maximum of 10.9C at 19.32. The southerly wind was often gusty with a maximum of 32mph.

The rainfall during the past twenty-four was minimal, just 1.7mm added to the monthly total that now stands at 52.0mm being 15mm below the 37-year average.

Saturday after dawn was overcast with moisture in the air and light rain again just after 08.30. The temperature reading at 08.00 was 10.3C making it the warmest start to a day since 18th November (11.5C). The soil temperature at a depth of 5cm was 8.1C at 08.00, the warmest since 28th January, which will encourage the snowdrops and daffodils now beginning to show their beauty.