Windrush Weather

UV very high again

Monday brought more cloud ahead of another rain band thus reduced sunshine, 9.1 hours, but around midday the UV level rose to 9.6 being at the top end of ‘Very High’ and not recorded since 1st July 2019. The reduced sunshine and modest breeze from the west meant that the thermometer was a little lower than on Sunday with a maximum of 22.2C, just 0.6C below the average.

There were light showers between 21.15 and 22.10 from the rain band that passed through amounting to 2.8mm. This brought the July total to 18.4mm when the 36-year average is 59.7mm.

Tuesday saw a continuation of the moist Atlantic air with total cloud cover and high humidity after dawn. It was the warmest night since 26th June with the thermometer not sinking below 14.7C, which was 2.8C above the average.