Windrush Weather

UV rise into ‘Very High’ category.

With only a month or so to go before mid-summer it is not surprising to find that during the 9.2 hours of sunshine on Saturday that the UV level rose to 7.2 being just into the ‘Very High’ category at 13.33. Whilst on the subject of sunshine it is interesting to note that no day in May so far has been sunless and that we have enjoyed 145 hours of strong sunshine during the first half of the month,

The wind on Saturday was predominantly from the north west, backing into the the west late afternoon. The air from this direction is a little warmer than the recent north easterlies and combined with the sunshine raised the temperature back above average, just, for the first time in a week with a maximum of 172C (+0.1C).

The thermometer fell away overnight under clear skies, to reach a minimum of 4.4C at 05.33 Sunday mooring.

There was broken sunshine shortly after dawn but by 08.00 it was was getting stronger lifting the temperature to 11.1C at that time.