Windrush Weather

UV highest since July on Friday

During the 9.3 hours of sunshine on Friday the UV briefly peaked at 8.2 being ‘Very High’ and the highest since 29th July. We lost the continental air that produced the high temperatures recently with a maximum of 19.8, still 2.7C above the average.

It was a very breezy day as the deep depression skirted the western seaboard with a maximum gust of 27mph at 12.49. As the centre of the low eased away from us the barometric pressure began to build again.

Saturday saw strong sunshine after dawn but by 08.00 the cloud had begun to increase limiting the sunshine. The rain radar showed small showers moving north eastwards to the north of the region but as yet no rain for this area to provide a drink for the parched gardens. The wind is still brisk with a gust of 23mph at 08.06.