Windrush Weather

Unstable atmosphere

The sunshine and showers continued on Saturday as the unstable atmosphere, brought by the stream of low pressure systems continues. As the temperatures rises the air warms and rises causing the moist air to form shower activity. The last twenty-four hours gave us 5.2 hours of sunshine and another 3.1mm of rainfall that brought the monthly total to 48.2mm, just 11mm below the 37-year average. The wind for the most part was from the southwest.

The thermometer reached a peak of 15.2C being 2.1C below the average with an overnight minimum of 6.4C at 06.34, which was 0.5C under the average.

Sunday saw some weak sunshine after dawn that began to slowly disappear as advance cloud and showers began to drift in from the southwest. This early morning sunshine raised the thermometer 4C to 10.2C at 08.00. Another depression is currently centred off the North Devon coast and will traverse the county during the day with a consequent shift in wind direction much later in the day from south-southwest to west an northwest. The barometric pressure has been falling again as the depression approaches with a current reading at 08.00 of 998.2mb