Windrush Weather

Unsettled weather continues with sunshine and showers

Sunday improved as the morning progressed with 5.5 hours of sunshine until late morning when shower clouds built up producing 1.9mm of precipitation.

The UV level is lowly increasing with a level of 2.0 on Sunday in the bright sunshine that lifted the temperature to a maximum of 11.3C (+0.9C on the average) at 10.59 before the clouds rolled in.

Overnight was mild with a minimum of 4.8C being 2.5C above the average.

Monday arrived with welcome sunshine as the sun rose above the horizon lifting the temperature to 6.2C at 08.00.

Update on Monday at 16.45: after sunny morning rain set in 14.20 so another cool day with below average maximum of 9.7C(-0.7C)