Windrush Weather

Unsettled weather continues

The wind on Friday was just a little less boisterous than on Thursday but still peaked at 33mph in the morning but dropped away late afternoon. The thermometer, thanks to 4 house of sunshine, rose to a peak of 9.7C, when was 0.8C below the 37-year average and almost identical to the Thursday maximum.

Frequent showers were the order of the day that with several hours of intermittent overnight rain meant a daily total of 8.5mm, the wettest day since 14th February. This brought the monthly total to 23.8mm, which is 40% of the 37-year March average.

The cloud cover meant a frost free night with the thermometer not sinking below 4.0C being 1.5C above the average.

Broken cloud and short bursts of strong sunshine greeted us on Saturday morning. The centre of the depression has relocated to the North Sea and caused the wind to veer into the west and continue to be gusting well over 20mph.