Windrush Weather

The heat builds!

The Azores anticyclone made itself felt on Friday with 11.5 hours of sunshine, the sunniest day since 23rd June (12.2 hours) during which the UV rose to 8.2 for a couple of hours around midday, which was Very High. It was the third consecutive dry day. The thermometer rose to a maximum of 26.9C late in the afternoon at 16.50 being 4.2C above average and the warmest day since 13th June (27.9C). The peak was 4C up on the Thursday high.

There was more residual warmth overnight that meant a warm night with a minimum of 13.3C, which was 1.4C above the average. The low was 4.3C above the very cool Thursday minimum.

Saturday saw sunshine as soon as the sun rose above the horizon that lifted the temperature to 20.9C by 08.00, the warmest morning since 24th June.

The centre of the anticyclone is just off the west coast of Ireland and has been building further with a pressure of 1029.6mb at 08.00, the highest pressure since 13th June when we had the last hot, dry spell.