Windrush Weather

The anticyclone is still in charge

Although we had 8 hours of sunshine on Thursday the wind from the northeast was a little stronger, gusting to 21mph. As a result the temperature was over 1C down on the Wednesday peak reaching a maximum of 11.2C at 16.09, which was 3.1C below the 37-year average.

As on previous nights the warmth, such as it was, drained away steadily overnight reaching a minimum of -3.1C, another hard air frost as the result. The low was 7.2C below the 7-year average. Interestingly, the last two nights have seen the thermometer drop below freezing just after 02.00 as against earlier in the month when by 23.00 it was reading well below zero. We have now experienced 7 nights with an air frost.

Friday began with strong sunshine after dawn but just after 08.00 cloud began to drift across the sky limiting the sunshine. However, by 08.00 the temperature had recovered to 3.1C under calm conditions, the wind having having almost completely dropped out. The centre of the anticyclone is now over northern Scandinavia with a ridge of high pressure reaching southwestwards over the UK with little loss of pressure so calm, cool conditions are likely to continue for a day or two.