Windrush Weather

Sunniest day in six months on Sunday

Under the influence of the high pressure with its centre now over the Baltic states, Sunday brought us 9.2 hours of strong sunshine, which made it the sunniest day since 21st September.

Whist the maximum of 11,1C was 1.2C above the 36-year average, the clear skies overnight meant the thermometer dropped away to a minimum of 0.0C being 2.3C below the average and producing both a ground and air frost.

Whilst the hours of sunshine were greater than the previous day, it was interesting to note that the UV level dropped to 2.5 rather than 3.3 due to thin high cloud.

It was the third consecutive dry day with the monthly rainfall total of 58.5mm being 1.3mm below the 36-year average. Will this be the first month since July 2019 with a below average total?

Monday arrived with clear skies from dawn and strong sunshine that lifted the thermometer to 3.5C at 08.00 and the sunshine recorder had already looked 1 hour of strong sunshine.