Maximum up – 22.5C at 17.38 yesterday, which is 3C above the June average
Minimum up – 11.9C at 05.07 today, which is 2C above the June average
Barometric pressure up – 1027.3mb at 08.00 today, which is the highest pressure this month
Soil temperature at a depth of 5cm up – 20.6C at 08.00 today.
Sunshine down – 7.1 hours due to moderate cloud for several hours before and after midday
Evaporation up – 52mm equivalent rainfall when rainfall this month totals 30.3mm
UV up – 9.9, which is ‘Very High’ and equal highest this month.
Rainfall nil
Latest at 18.00: maximum today of 28.6C, hottest for eleven months.