Windrush Weather

Southwesterly breeze brings milder weather

The brisk breeze on Tuesday, gusting to 20mph, brought a warmer and more moist air mass than of late that saw the thermometer climb to a maximum of 12.2C at 15.19 in limited sunshine of 4.3 hours. The peak was 1.8C above the long-term average and the warmest day for a week. The UV level indicates that the sun is gaining in strength with a peak reading of 3.5 being classed as ‘Moderate’ and the highest since October. No rain has fallen for four consecutive days.

A minimum f 4.8C in the early hours of Wednesday, recorded at 02.10, was 2.4C above the average.

After dawn for half an hour we enjoyed weak sunshine but by 07.00 the advance cloud from an approaching cold front obliterated any further sunshine. Currently (08.30) no precipitation is falling from the thicker cloud.

Our old anticyclone is now much weaker and centred over eastern Europe so that combined with a depression over Iceland, is continuing to bring an air mass from the Atlantic.