Windrush Weather

Southerly breeze brings more warmth

With the wind continuing to come from the south on Wednesday, with mostly cloudy conditions, it was not surprising to find that both the maximum of 11.9C and minimum overnight of 9.2C were above average with (+1.4C) and (+7.0C) respectively. It was the warmest day since 16th February and the warmest night since 31st December.

The diurnal range of temperature, the variation between day and night, was just 2.7C.

It was another dry with the equivalent loss of rainfall, through evaporation from ground sources and plant life, exceeding 1mm per day.

Thursday initially saw a couple of brief bright periods but the day started with cloudy conditions as a weather front approached from the west. The wind, still from the south, is forecast to veer a few more degrees into the south-southeast as the day progresses.