Windrush Weather

Significant wind change

Friday was the last of the persistent gloomy days with low cloud and no sunshine. The diurnal variation was minimal yet again with a difference of just 1.1C with the high at 5.5C being 2.5C below average and the low of 4.4C was 1.9C above average. Light rain and drizzle began at 12.15 and persisted during the afternoon and into the evening amounting to 4.1mm that took the monthly rainfall to 39.6mm when the 40-year average is 94.0mm.

Saturday began as all the days this past week with low cloud and misty conditions. However, changes are afoot as the wind for much of the daylight hours will come from the northwest heralding an improvement as the day progresses with some sunshine likely. At last the persistent anticyclonic gloom will disappear.