Windrush Weather

Significant change today!

A high of 19.2C that occurred late in the afternoon at 16.52 on Wednesday was 1.9C above average due to the dry and sunny weather. The southeasterly breeze was quite gusty at times with a maximum gust of 19mph. The past night was much cooler than of late as the thermometer fell to a low of 5.2C in the early hours of Thursday at 05.10 being 1.8C below the average.

Thursday arrived with total cloud cover but bright, the temperature having recovered to 9.2C at 08.00. Over night a small but vigorous depression has developed over the Low Countries. The rainfall radar shows a large, angry area of intense shower activity that is slowly moving westwards and forecast to an arrive here around midday with heavy rainfall. This is associated with the recent depression, now just off the coast of Brittany. The wind is currently from the northeast or east-northeast but after midday will veer quickly into the southwest. There doesn’t seem to be any forecast of a significant increase in wind strength but there could be strong gusts in any squalls that pass our way.