Windrush Weather

Rain and wind return

After a very calm day on Wednesday when the maximum gust was 8mph it changed overnight. A weather front passed our way during darkness that saw the wind rise to a high gust of 23mph at 00.15 early Thursday and intermittent heavy rain that started at 18.15 and continued through the night that amounted to 9.1mm. The temperature rose to a high of 9.2C at 14.05 during daylight hours on Wednesday but then began a steady climb to peak at 12.9C at 06.25 early Thursday being a significant 4.9C above the long-term average, thus the night minimum was higher than the day time peak. The wind during this period backed from the southwest to south overnight. Not surprisingly, no UV light triggered the sensor.

Thursday again struggled to wake up under thick, low cloud and drizzle as the depression is close to Scotland feeding in the moist, warm air. The rain radar shows variable areas of low cloud producing drizzle during the morning. A further weather front will cross during the late afternoon that will see the wind gust strongly again with more heavy rain. The barometric pressure has dropped another 17mb with a reading of 1009.8mb at 08.00, the lowest pressure reading since 27th November.

Update: Store Darragh has just been named and will impact our area on Friday and into Sunday with strong winds and heavy rain.