Windrush Weather

Rain and more rain – no change!

Sunday did bring us 2.5 hours of sunshine when the UV level rose to its highest (1.9) since mid-October but soon after midday the cloud built up again.

Another 3.3mm of precipitation was recorded that brought the monthly total to 109.4mm, which is 54mm above the 35-year average. However, the two Februarys in 1990 and 2014 produced record totals of 151.0mm and 151.6mm so February 2020 is well below breaking any records in Marlborough at the moment – but there is still a week to go before the end of the month.

The mild weather continued with the equal warmest day in February with a maximum of 12.7C being 5.2C above the average. The minimum occurred at 01.10 Monday morning recording a low of 5.7C, which was 4.4C above the average.

Monday arrived with thick cloud cover ahead of another rain band approaching from the west with the thermometer reading 9.5C at 08.00, already 2C above the average maximum.