Windrush Weather

Persistent strong northeasterly produces wind chill again

Although the worst of the very strong winds have passed there were gusts up to 27mph on Monday and the average wind speed over ten minute hovered around 12mph all day. The extreme gusts and lulls of Friday and Saturday have been superseded by more consistent winds without the extreme gusts. As a result of the cool northeasterly wind and thick cloud cover over the twenty-four hours, the temperature varied little by day or night with a maximum of 6.6C being 1.4C below average and a minimum 5.2C being 2.7C above average. Light drizzle over various periods amounted to 0.3mm.

Tuesday began where Monday ceased with very thick, low cloud and a persistent wind from the northeast. The pressure differential between the low and high pressure systems has been falling as a result the wind is very slowly beginning to drop with the average wind speed over ten minutes now down to 8mph from a high of 18mph on Sunday.

The cool, strong wind is once again producing a wind chill so that the temperature of 5.2C at 08.00 outside felt more like 2C. Also the word having travelled over the North Sea is continuing to pick up moisture so although it is not likely to rain there will be variable drizzle from time to time.

The high pressure system has edged a little closer, as a result the barometric pressure read 1033.7mb at 08.00, the highest for a month.