Windrush Weather

Perishing wind chill returns! However, no severe ‘Beast from the East’.

My long-term friend has rebuilt my website, for which I am very grateful, with more to do as his busy professional and family life allows. Therefore the website is not yet fully developed but is up and running with the major addition of the ‘live’ feed from my new professional weather station. Somehow the topical image has disappeared, but hopefully will reappear in the next few days, which is planned to be changed regularly from my own extensive photographic library as in the previous website.

The brisk northeasterly breeze on Thursday depressed the temperature so that a maximum of 6.6C logged at 12.59 was 1.4C below the long-term average. The cloud cover was maintained overnight providing a blanket that minimised the loss of any warmth into the atmosphere so there was a drop of just 4C to a minimum of 2.1C at 01.54 following a temperature of 3.4C late evening at 21.02. The above zero temperature and brisk wind meant no air or ground frost formed.

Friday revealed total, thick cloud cover and the northeasterly breeze having strengthen in the early hours with a maximum gust of 24mph at 06.31. The combination of brisk wind, lower humidity and low temperature has produced a wind chill so that the temperature of 2.7C at 08.00 felt more like 0.6C outside on the skin. The humidity at 08.00 read 84.2%, the lowest this month, however that is likely to increase as the thicker cloud and more moist air arrives later today.

The synoptic charts on Thursday showed no indication of the depression that has formed off the north west coast of Spain and overnight has been throwing cloud across the country. The anticyclone was expected to show just a minor drop in pressure, however, the depression has caused a drop of 16mb in the last twenty-four hours. This depression is forecast to migrate northeastwards during the day, towards central France, much closer to us, thus increasing cloud cover and the likely hood of precipitation some of which could be of a wintery nature this afternoon when the air temperature hovers just above zero.

Although today it is getting colder with the persistent northeasterly or easterly wind over the next few days it doesn’t look as if it will be exceptionally cold, according to the Met Office representative, for two reasons. “The winds are going to be coming up a little bit from the south. They’re going around the area of high pressure then dipping south before they cross the UK, which is important, as it means it won’t be quite so cold. The other reason is that the air over here just isn’t as cold as it would normally be”. “Across Poland, up towards the Baltic States and even into the western parts of Russia, there is less snow lying on the ground than we would expect at this time of year”.