Windrush Weather

North easterly drops temperature by 5C

The north easterly wind comes from a cool quarter and the maximum temperature on Thursday reflected that in a peak of 20.4C. This was 5C to 7C down on previous highs the week but still 1.7C above the 36-year average.

The wind was quite brisk with a maximum gust of 22mph making this the windiest day the month September.

Under predominantly clear skies the thermometer fell steadily downwards to reach a minimum of 9.2C at 07.33 o Friday. The was exactly average for September.

Friday saw the sun shining as it rose above the horizon. A depression centred in the Bay of Biscay is tightening the isobars producing an increasing pressure gradient between it and the anticyclone centred over the North Sea. The wind is still from the north east but due to veer more into eastnoreast as the day progresses.