The rogue depression that crept up the English Channel on Thursday brought increasing cloud in the morning and the first rain drops at 13.30 with heavy and continuous rain shortly afterwards. Just after 22.30 the rain stopped having deposited 29.3mm making it the wettest since 20th September when 29.9mm was recorded. That additional rainfall took the monthly total to 59.8mm being 67% on my 40-year average after th first four days in the month.
The wind did swing anticlockwise from southwest to north during the day with strong gusts, a peak of 25mph was logged.
Friday initially brought a little brightness, but mostly cloudy, with the wind now coming from the west and much calmer but likely to veer a few degrees into the north west as the day progresses. This is due to the two depressions, one off the east coast loosening its grip whilst the remains of Storm Henk, off north Scotland, also moves away. The first signs of higher pressure building in the eastern Atlantic are showing on the synoptic chart.