Windrush Weather

Next anticyclone intensifies

As one anticyclone departed the country another began to influence our weather on Wednesday with a consequent rise in barometric pressure. It was the eighth consecutive dry day with light winds from the north although a little stronger than of late.

The temperature by day brought a maximum of 8.5C being 1.5C above the average and with clear skies the thermometer slowly dropped during the evening to produce an air frost with a minimum of -1.2C at 07.20 on Thursday.

Thursday dawned with clear skies and an appearance of the sun as soon as it rose above the horizon. The thermometer had recovered a little to read -0.3C at 08.00.

The new high pressure system is currently centred to the west of Ireland that will mean the breeze will veer a little to come from the north, which will mean a cool if sunny day. The pressure reading at 0800 was 1036.1mb.