Windrush Weather

More sunshine and fewer showers

The heavy showers on Monday evaded this area skirting to the north and south until early evening that then amounted to 0.9mm in total. That brought the monthly rainfall total to 52.0mm when the 38-year average is 60.7mm.

The wind having backed into a more westerly direction meant a slightly warmer day than Sunday but with a peak of 15.4C was still 2.1C below the average.

A very cool night followed with the thermometer sinking 6.3C, just below average.

There was some early morning sunshine on Tuesday, just after 07.30, but thick shower clouds, seen on the rainfall radar, are approaching from the west.

The low pressure system that was with us yesterday is still over the country today with a reading of 1012.0mb at 08.00, bringing the changeable weather.