Monthly Summary for October 2012

The statistics for October show another cool and wet month. The mean temperature was 1.1C below the long-term average, the coldest since 2008, with the lowest mean maximum temperature since 1993 at -1.4C. It was the fifth coldest October since 1984. The warmest day was the 1st with a lowly maximum of just 16.8C and only seven days struggled above the mean for the month. The first air frosts of the autumn occurred on three mornings with the lowest temperature on the 14th at -1.7C.
A total of 121mm of precipitation was recorded being 141% of the long-term average and the wettest October since 2006. The long-term average is 88mm but since 1984 seven years have produced totals above 120mm with the record set in 2004 which had a total of 159mm. There were three days with significant rainfall totals namely 20.1mm, 18.1mm and 16.6mm on the 17th, 31st and 5th respectively. Not surprisingly there were only six totally dry days.
The solar energy, due to the many overcast days, was just 87% of the last few years.
There were six days with morning fog but several others when low cloud persisted producing misty conditions.

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