Windrush Weather

Minimum temperature almost 2C above average maximum

The southerly stream of mild, moist air continued on Saturday that raised the thermometer to 12.9C at 15.02. This was the warmest day since 21st December and a significant 5.2C above the 37-year average. There was a little brightness late morning that saw the UV level rise to 1.6, still in the low category but the highest level since 23rd October.

There was a little light rain in the morning and again overnight but amounting to just 0.5mm.

Due to the persistence of low cloud providing a duvet, little warmth escaped into the atmosphere overnight that saw a minimum of 9.4C at 06.15. This was the warmest night since 18th November and almost 8C above the long-term average and 1.7C above the average maximum for February.

Sunday started like so many recently with low, thick cloud and the southerly airstream light. A depression to the north west of the UK, rotating anticlockwise as they do, continues to feed the mild air from Iberia.