Windrush Weather

Little change in last few days

The thick cloud persisted on Friday morning with bands of light drizzle until about 11.00 amounting to just 0.2mm for the day. There was minimal sunshine, just 1 hour and not surprisingly ‘Low’ UV level.

The maximum temperature of 9.3C was 1.2C below average whereas one again the thick cloud cover overnight meant another mild night with a minimum of 4.4C, surprisingly in the evening and not early morning at 20.36.

Saturday morning was a repeat of previous days with thick cloud cover obscuring any chance of brightness let alone sunshine.

The anticyclone still centred off the west coast of `Ireland is trapping the cloud underneath it, the pressure at 08.00 on Saturday increased to 1033.3mb. The persistent high-pressure does mean that winds have been much lighter in recent days and today started calm.