Windrush Weather

Last of the very mild days – cooler to come but calmer.

Thanks to Storm Henk on Tuesday we saw another 8.5mm of precipitation and very strong winds in the afternoon with a peak gust of 49mph at 15.39. The thermometer rose to 12.6C, being 5.5C above average with an overnight low of 7.9C, which was 6.6C above my 39-year average.

Wednesday initially saw a little brightness but cloud soon covered the sky. The depressions are still very close with the barometric pressure reading at 08.00 of 989.4mb.

Year 2023 Weather Facts

Maximum day temperature: 29.8C on 10th June
Minimum day temperature: 0.7C on 1st December

Maximum night temperature: 17.2C on 11th August
Minimum night temperature: 8.0C on 24th June

Mean temperature: 10.42C

Last air frost in Spring: -1.7C on 22nd April
First air frost in Autumn: -1.3C on 16th October

Max Barometric Pressure: 1048.1mb on 5th February
Min Barometric Pressure: 957.1mb on 2nd November

Maximum Global Sunshine: 13.8 hours
Days with no Global Sunshine: 25

Maximum UV light: 9.5 on 24th June
Days no UV light: 25

Max Daily Evaporation: 5.18mm on 13th June

Total Rainfall: 1150mm
Maximum Daily Rainfall: 49.7mm on 17th September
Driest period: 26 days from15th May – 9th June
Longest consecutive wet period: 14 days – 23rd October – 5th November
Wettest month: 163.3mm – March
Driest month: 12.2mm – February

Days with snow: 4
Days with Thunder: 3
Days with Small Hail: 4
Days with fog: 19

Maximum Wind Gust: 48mph on 13th March