Windrush Weather

Last of the mild days on Wednesday

Although no sunshine occurred on Wednesday the thermometer again rose above average (+1.4C) with a maximum of 11.4C. The wind direction was initially from the south but slowly veered from the west and then northwest.

Rain during the morning ceased just before midday and totalled 3.1mm that brought the monthly rainfall to 70.2mm when the average is 92.3mm.

During the late afternoon and early evening the thermometer slowly fell away to reach 0.0C at 22.24 then -0.1C at 22.29. The recognised classification of an air frost is when the temperature reaches -0.1C therefore there was a very brief period when an air first occurred last night. However, by 23.00 the thermometer had risen to +0.1C and continued to rise until 01.15 early on Thursday reaching 1.6C before falling again.

The minimum of -0.8C was reached just after dawn on Thursday with the cloud having eased away to the east allowing a little brightness at 08.00. A temporary ridge of high pressure, and the air now coming from the north-northeast, will produce a cooler day but dry and bright.