Windrush Weather

Last ground frost the Spring?

The thermometer eventually crept a little higher on Thursday as for most of the morning it hovered around 8C. The maximum of 12.9C occurred early in the afternoon at 13.30 during a sunny period, but this was still 4.4C below the 37-year average. Light showers amounted to 1.1mm that brought the monthly total to 11.2mm when the average is 59.6mm.

Although the thermometer dropped considerably overnight there was no air frost bit a modest ground frost. The minimum of 0.9C occurred at 05.47. Hopefully that will be the last ground and air frost this Spring as warmer air is on the doorstep.

Friday arrived with glorious sunshine and blue skies that lifted the temperature at 08.00 to 8.4C. This was the warmest start to a day at that time since 28th March. The wind has backed into the west and is very light.