Humid, moist air again thanks to another weather front

After a cloudy start to Monday the sun did come put to play and boosted the temperature to 24.4C at 17.26, which was above my 40-year average, only the fourth abject average this month, at +1.6C. The past night was very mild, thanks again once more to thick cloud cover as another weather front crossed from west to east. This band of cloud brought brief, light rain between 01.00 and 02.00 with a slightly heavier shower just after 03.00, drizzle also fell shortly after 07.30 for a few minutes but the total precipitation was only 0.5mm.

Tuesday revealed another cloudy start to a new day with little evidence that it will lift and thin until probably mid-afternoon. The last three days have seen a moist start to each day with humidity at 08.00 logged at 98%, 98% and 94% respectively.The breeze has veered a few degrees to come from the northwest rather than west as yesterday.

There are three low pressure systems surrounding the UK that currently dominate our weather with two anticyclones tantalisingly close, just to the south over Iberia and the Mediterranean. The barometric pressure has risen to 1016.0mb today, up 6mb over the last two days as a ridge of high pressure seems to be edging closer and is likely to give a much better day on Wednesday – but it won’t last!
