Windrush Weather

Hottest day for nine months on southerly breeze

The thermometer on Wednesday soared to a peak of 25.9C, which was 8.8C above the average and the hottest day since August 27th. This was due to the air mass coming from Iberia brought on a light breeze from a southerly direction. The UV level was High for much of the day but briefly rose into the Very High (7.3) rating around 13.30.

The past night minimum of 7.7C was just above average.

Thursday saw a narrow weather band cross the area between 06.00 and 07.45 with broken cloud and some brightness but no rain. By 08.00 the cloud band had eased away to the east and the sun began to shine strongly from a blue sky again lifting the thermometer to 14.6C at 08.00.