Windrush Weather

Hotter still!

During the late afternoon on Saturday the thermometer soared to 33.5C after hovering around 33.4C for an hour. This maximum was 12.4C above the average and the hottest day since 19th July (36.7C).

The overnight minimum of 11.1C was slightly down on the previous night and 0.6C below the average.

Sunday brought the first obvious changes to our weather after numerous days with clear but skies there was thin high cloud that limited the strength of the sun initially. However, by 08.00 the thermometer had recovered to 19.7C.

The humidity at 08.00 was exceptionally low with a reading of just 64%.

The anticyclone is slowly retreating with the barometric pressure at 08.00 reading 1008.7mb, which was the lowest pressure for the entire month and a fall of 22mb since the peak on the 6th (1030.4mb).

Further evidence of a change in our weather is imminent with a forecast change in wind direction later this afternoon as the wind changes for the persistent easterly to southerly.