Windrush Weather

Equal hottest part of country on Sunday! Heathrow 31.6C, Marlborough 31.7C

Although the sunshine hours of 11.8 were slightly down on Saturday the residual heat from a warm night saw the thermometer on Sunday rise to 31.7C, which was 9C above the 37-year average and the hottest day since 12th August 2020 (34.1C). It was also equal to the hottest part of the country. The UV level again rose to Very High. My station is on the northern edge of Marlborough and sited up the garden away from concrete and buildings.

The breeze was very light on Sunday with a maximum movement, cannot call it a gust, of just 8mph. For long periods the anemometer was becalmed but when it did move the air movement came from many compass directions so described as variable.

The temperature overnight was very high with a minimum of 14.0C being 2.2C above average.

Monday again saw strong sunshine after dawn that propelled the temperature to 23.1C at 0800 so at that time was already above the average maximum for July of 22.7C. After five consecutive dry days and intense sunshine the humidity level at 0800 read 74%, the lowest since early June when we had similar hot weather.

Update at 10.00: temperature of 28.3C and rising steadily

Update at 20.00: peak temperature of 31.4C at 15.39