Windrush Weather

Getting warmer!

On Monday we saw the temperature rise well above the 36-year average (+3.7C) with a maximum of 20.8C as the strong sunshine, totalling 11.15 hours, got to work. The UV continues in the Very High range.

The ground is now beginning to hold its warmth as the minimum of 10.5C (+3.5C) overnight was well above average to give a soil reading at a depth of 5cm of 16.2C at 08.00 on Tuesday. This was the warmest night since the 6th of October.

There was total cloud cover until just before 08.00 on Tuesday when brief breaks appeared allowing the sun to burst through. As a result the thermometer rose to 13.2C at 08.00.

We have now enjoyed 15 consecutive dry days with the monthly rainfall standing at just 7.5mm whereas evaporation from the ground and plant life is the equivalent loss of 67mm of rainfall during May so no wonder the gardens are very dry and hoping for some rain on Thursday – but not too heavy!