Windrush Weather

Exceptional warmth arrives

On Sunday the thermometer rose to 12.6C at 12.22, which was 4.6C above the 37-year average and the warmest day since 13th November under the influence of a southwesterly air stream. It was the third dry day this month.

A very mild night followed with the minimum of 9.8C set at 01.41 early on Monday. This was a significant 7.5C above the average and also the warmest night since 13th November.

Monday dawned with a predominantly cloudy sky and the continuation of the southwesterly air stream, light in strength.

The barometric pressure has been rising since Sunday and at 08.00 on Monday registered 1021.9mb, the highest pressure since 24th November. The warmth has mean a rise in ground temperature so that at 08.00 the thermometer at a depth of 5cm registered 8.7C, the highest since 20th November.