Windrush Weather

Dry by day, wet by night

Although we had 5.9 hours of sunshine on Wednesday and the UV level reached a peak of 6.5, which was ‘High’, the thermometer did not reach an average maximum, again, with a peak of 16.1C (-1.2C). It was however, a dry day. The rain set in at 22.45 and amounted to 3.7mm, bringing the monthly total to 38.4mm when the 37-year average was 59.6mm.

At least the last few nights have seen a minimum above average and last night was no exception with a low of 8.7C (+1.7C).

Thursday morning saw us under a cold front draped in an arc over the area, although dry to start with more rain is likely as the depression, centred off the Dorset coast, slowly revolves anticlockwise. This will bring another rain band during the morning. The moving orientation of the depression saw the wind on Wednesday in the afternoon back into the south east. A couple of hours before midnight it began to veer into the north and this morning is coming from the northeast.