Windrush Weather

Depression is going to hang around!

After a bright start to Monday the cloud continued to build as the day progressed, thanks to the next depression just to the west of the UK. The lack os sunshine combined with a very brisk wind from the south-southeast, gusting to 23mph, that limited the rise in temperature gave a high of 16.9C at 12.01, being 0.4C below my 40-year average. The minimum of 11.9C was identical to the previous night, a mild night being 4.8C above the average.

The first rain drops began to fall just before 17.30 and continued throughout the night until 05.20 thanks to a very slow moving weather front that produced 11.8mm of precipitation being the wettest day since 27th April and took the monthly rainfall to a monthly total of 26.8mm being 44% of my 40-year average.

Tuesday arrived dull with continuous cloud and the wind, a little lighter than on Monday and from the southeast.

The depression is just off the west of Cornwall and will be with us for the next couple of days so unsettled weather ahead. The barometric pressure dropped to its lowest for over a month in the early hours with a minimum of 999.1mb, a drop of 30mb since the 8th.