Windrush Weather

Cooler still on Thursday but worse to come

Under the influence of the brisk northerly wind on Thursday the thermometer struggled to reach 6.4C, the coldest day since 6th March being 3.7C below the 37-year average.

It was another dry day but a significant change in wind direction occurred just after 16.30 when the wind backed from the north into the west and then southwest.

The minimum temperature of 0.5C occurred at 21.05, following which the thermometer slowly rose to 6.3C at 08.00 on Friday

Friday dawned with thick cloud cover and the first spots of rain observed at 07.10 but an insignificant amount and not measurable.

A cold front is approaching and due to reach this area around noon so the wind will then veer back into the north and give us a much colder couple of days.