Windrush Weather

Coldest night for a year

With a northerly breeze and the wind beginning to pick up after 10.00 on Thursday, it was no wonder the thermometer struggled to reach a maximum of only 4.8C. This was 2.2C below average, the coldest day since the 4th plus wind chill meant outside it felt more like 1C than 4C.

There were 5.4 hours of welcome sunshine and another dry day. The UV light level rose to 0.8, the highest since 22nd November, evidence that the sun’s strength is slowly returning.

During the evening the thermometer dropped steadily so that at 18.12 it had produced the beginning of an air frost with -0.1C. At 22.55 the thermometer read -3.0C and -5.0C at 03.15. The lowest temperate was at 07.41 on Friday with a minimum of -6.4C. The was 7.7C below the 37-year average and the coldest night since 1st January 2021 when -6.7C was recorded.

Friday brought a clear sky and sunshine as soon as it rose above the horizon.

The centre of the anticyclone is just to the west of southwest Ireland and forecast to slowly migrate southeastwards. As a result the breeze will back from north to northwest and later west-northwest, but very light again.