Wettest January on record

With a total of 148.8mm of precipitation so far this month it is the wettest January since records began in 1984 and there are still 14 days left in the month.
The previous high precipitation record, of 147.3mm, was set in January 2008. In contrast the record low, of 9.4mm, was set in 1997.

Warmest start to January since 2007

The first two weeks have been very mild with minimal air frosts. It is the 7th warmest start to January since 1984 being almost 2C above the long-term average with a mean of 5.8C.The coldest start to January was in 2010 with a mean of -1.9C and the record for the warmest start was 7.6C in 2007.

Rainfall in the first two weeks, totalling 138.7mm, make it the 4th wettest January when we are only halfway through the month. Another 10mm of precipitation would break the record.

Records tumble

The total rainfall for the 24 hour period, starting 0800 on the 23rd, was 46.4mm, the greatest precipitation I have ever recorded braking the previous record of 45.4mm set in May 2007. It was also the lowest barometric pressure for December that I have noted giving a reading of 972.5mb early on the 24th. The continuos high winds, with frequent gusts over 40 mph, were also noteworthy with a maximum gust of 52mph at 2313 on the 23rd.

Very Active Weather Front

A very active weather front crossed late yesterday with winds gusting to 43mph and 10 minute average speeds of 14mph. This was accompanied by heavy rainfall, up to 67mm per hour at its peak, with a total 24 hour period of 17.3mm due to a deep depression to the north with barometric pressure dropping over 21Mb.
After 2045 the wind dropped to almost zero, the rain stopped and the air temperature fell 2.5C with the wind veering to the west.

1st Air Frost of Autumn

The 1st air frost of autumn 2013 occurred briefly for an hour just after 8pm on the 10th November. This was the third latest occurrence of an air frost in autumn since my records began. Previous late air frosts occurred in 2005 (13th Nov) and 2011 (23rd Nov).
